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October 16, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Greg Scott Did you know that Christians who affirm biblical truth on human sexuality are Neo-Nazis? So says yet another instructor at yet another “training” session for service members at yet another Army post. Todd Starnes reported yesterday that soldiers at Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center in south Mississippi were subjected to a...
October 16, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story:“Jennifer Blair, a transexual woman, is suing for the right to get free breast cancer screenings,” by WUSA9. The Lead: “The legal definition of “female” is at the center of a new lawsuit. Jennifer Blair, a transsexual woman, is suing for the right to get free breast cancer screenings. Blair had surgery to change...
October 15, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  The Story: “EVENT: Faith, Culture & Religious Freedom in 21st Century America” by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and Manhattan Declaration. The Lead:  Well, this is a video, so can’t really give you a “lead,” other than to say that this was an insightful event with plenty of references to the protestant reformation,...
October 10, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story:  “Does Faith = Hate?” by Rod Dreher writing for The American Conservative. The Lead:  “A consensus is emerging on the right that the most important goal at this stage is not to stop gay marriage entirely but to secure as much liberty as possible for dissenting religious and social conservatives while there is still...
October 8, 2013 By CBMW Guest
As of October 1, Rachel Held Evans’ book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood, has been out for a full year. Already there have been a number of penetrating reviews written by the likes of Kathy Keller and Trillia Newbell. These reviews have a recurring concern—Evans dismissive spirit towards the Bible and her errant interpretation of the same...
October 4, 2013 By Courtney Reissig
By   By Melissa McDonald In the middle of the Bible there is a poem describing an excellent wife, the Proverbs 31 woman. It’s a bit curious. Her children are mentioned only in passing and half of the poem discusses her work spinning wool and flax into yarn and selling textiles for a large profit....