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Topics: Cultural Engagement, Current Events, Public Square

The Leading Edge: Religious Liberty in America Panel

October 15, 2013



The Story: “EVENT: Faith, Culture & Religious Freedom in 21st Century America” by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and Manhattan Declaration.

The Lead:  Well, this is a video, so can’t really give you a “lead,” other than to say that this was an insightful event with plenty of references to the protestant reformation, media criticism, and Ross Douthat’s public admission to loving Chik-fil-A sandwiches.

Why it Matters:  Ever wish you could sit down for lie 2 hours and listen to some of the most brilliant minds in the country discuss religious liberty and how it applies to a wide-range of situations in every day life?

This is it.

Dr. Russell Moore, Kirsten Powers, Dr. Jennifer Marshall, Dr. Timothy Shah, and Ross Douthat spent last Thursday evening in Washington, D.C. having a free-wheeling exchange over religious liberty.  While the topic hit many sides of the subject, it ultimately met in the end, and lingered thereon, where the debate is currently centered: the redefinition of marriage and gender.  Watch. Listen. Think.

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