Give Online
To make a tax-deductible gift to CBMW, you may use the secured form by clicking the button below to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly gift. Immediately after you submit the form, you should receive an email at the address provided with an attached electronic receipt. Physical receipts are available on request. At the end of each fiscal year, CBMW will send out giving reports for your individual tax records.
Our financial partners can also manage their giving by signing in to CBMW’s organizational platform at the followgin link. This portal allows you to manage your monthly giving, update your personal information, and stay connected with our ministry.
Sign In
If you would prefer to give by mail, you may send your donation to the following address:
CBMW Executive Office
7301 Fegenbush Ln
STE 201
Louisville, KY 40228