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Topic > Divorce & Remarriage
Evangelicals have been facing a moment of truth concerning abuse and misconduct in our own ranks. Recently, attention has been focused on Southwestern Seminary and its president. The controversy centers on past remarks about pastoral counsel to an abuse victim and about the objectification of a teenage girl. As Albert Mohler declared earlier today, it really does...
“Can we come together as a Christian community and recognize that the doctrine of male headship has sometimes been used as a cover to perpetrate violence against women?” —Ruth Tucker[1] [WARNING: the following review contains references to physical and sexual abuse that may be unsettling.] The problem of violence against women is one that I...
John DelHousaye | Associate Professor of New Testament Phoenix Seminary Phoenix, Arizona Writing for the majority in the recent historic Supreme Court decision that granted the right for same-sex couples to marry, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy ventured the following description of marriage: “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love,...
Dale Johnson | Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth, Texas The dismal state of marriage in the United States is a well-documented reality. The growing trends in marital and related statistics cause concern on many levels. Sociologically, the strength of a nation depends, to a large degree, on the strength of its...
Dr. Mohler is the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a council member for CBMW. This post originally appeared at on May 17, 2006.
Dr. Mohler is the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a council member for CBMW. This post originally appeared at on May 17, 2006.