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Dr. Wayne Grudem, CBMW co-founder and board member, recently sat down for and interview in Cambridge, England with the Principal of Tyndale House, Dr. Peter Williams. They discussed how to have a lifelong faithful ministry, engaging in theological polemics, and more. You can watch the interview below: Conversations with Tyndale House Scholars in America |...
At the 2017 Gospel Coalition meeting last week, there was a fascinating panel discussion about pastors and women in ministry. It’s a discussion about how complementarian pastors can encourage and strengthen the vital ministries of women in their churches. The panelists include Kevin DeYoung, Melissa Kruger, Kori Porter, Mary Willson, and Sandy Willson. Here’s a...
Jim Hamilton joins Scott Corbin on Danvers Audio to discuss the importance of biblical theology for understanding gender complementarity, the family metaphor in the New Testament and its implications for churches, and how fathers can lead their children.
ListenEric Bancroft joins Grant Castleberry on Danvers Audio to discuss pastoral ministry, the legacy of John MacArthur, and raising boys. *********** Image: Beautiful Clouds over the Grand Canyon by Diana Robinson on 11/12/14, accessed on Flickr and licensed under Creative Commons
ListenSam Allberry joins Colin Smothers on Danvers Audio to talk about his book “Is God Anti-Gay,” reparative therapy, pastoral ministry, and the practical benefits of a robust theology.
ListenGavin Peacock joins Grant Castleberry on Danvers Audio to share his testimony on how God led him from playing Premier League soccer and broadcasting for the BBC to pastoring in Calgary, Alberta and leading CBMW’s international outreach initiatives.