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January 7, 2013 By Jeff Robinson
“The work of CBMW is just as important as and perhaps now even more challenging than it was when the organization was founded. The culture has moved even further away from the Bible’s teaching on marriage, gender, and biblical manhood and womanhood. Sadly, the culture has taken many churches with it. At this strategic moment,...
January 7, 2013 By Jeff Robinson
The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood is delighted to announce today that Professor Owen Strachan (pronounced: “Stran”) has accepted the position of the Executive Director of CBMW. Strachan, 31, succeeds Dr. Randy Stinson in this important role. Dr. Russell Moore, Chairman of the Board of CBMW said: “Owen Strachan is a bright and energetic...
December 28, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Jeff Robinson At the risk of sounding like one who has missed the real meaning of Christmas, I have to admit that one of my favorite aspects of the holiday season is the presence of myriads of important (or pseudo-important if your team, as did beloved Georgia Bulldogs, wound up in a non-BCS Bowl...
December 19, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Leanne Swift I suppose the readership of the Gender Blog is well aware of the word complementarian, but I almost want to laugh sometimes if I try to use the term in everyday conversation—because for the most part—who does that?  Unless you read Piper and all those guys, or your church teaches it…but when...
December 17, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
Sermon by John Piper One of the 30-year theological trademarks of Bethlehem is the way we understand God’s purposes for how men and women relate to each other in family and church and society. If you want a name to put a name on this understanding, we would say we are complementarian — based on...
December 13, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Jeff Robinson Biblical manhood is often easier written about than acted out. What does biblical manhood look like? We read the imperatives of the apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 16:13-14 seem clear: “Be watchful. Stand firm in the faith. Be strong. Act like men. Let everything you do be done in love.” God’s man...