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February 19, 2013 By Jeff Robinson
By Harry Reeder “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Gen. 1:27 My wife is Cindy. Cindy and I are different. Praise the Lord! This is an obvious statement. In fact, it is more accurately an understatement. In legal terms...
February 6, 2013 By Jeff Robinson
By David Schrock When Paul speaks in Titus 2:1 about sound doctrine, he immediately turns to relationships. Rather than expatiating a systematic theology, Paul says that theology is worked out in the context of distinctly masculine and feminine roles, in youthful and elderly stages of life, and in varying spheres of leadership and influence (i.e....
January 29, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Baptist Press Even before U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced that the military was lifting its ban on women in combat, professor and theologian Owen Strachan was speaking out against such a possibility, saying it not only went against Scripture but also defied common sense. The new executive director of the Council on Biblical...
January 24, 2013 By Owen Strachan
By Owen Strachan, CBMW Executive Director Complementarian Christians are the most pro-women people around. We love women. We rejoice in them. We celebrate them. Many of us in actual terms are “them,” of course! We know that God has created them with dignity and worth. We know that their structure and form display his ingenuity...
January 23, 2013 By Owen Strachan
[NOTE: In light of today’s troubling decision to remove the restriction on women in combat in the U.S. armed forces, we offer the following complementarian perspective on the issue by CBMW’s executive director from Christianity Today’s blog. See Gender Blog for further biblical analysis of this development over the next few days.] By Owen Strachan, CBMW Executive Director...
January 21, 2013 By Jeff Robinson
We at CBMW are deeply appreciative of Randy Stinson’s many years of excellent service as executive director of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.. He served as CBMW’s leader for seven years and will remain in an advisory role as a senior fellow. CBMW’s board of directors recently named Owen Strachan as the organization’s...