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November 1, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Jeff Robinson With the critical presidential election looming next Tuesday, there are many issues at play within the candidates’ platforms that are of keen interest to evangelicals. One under-publicized issue that relates to gender is that of women in combat. The Obama Administration has been the most pro-women in combat presidency in U.S. history....
October 26, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Jeff Robinson Put a book before me that seeks to unpack biblical manhood while discussing sports at numerous points and quotes the Lord of the Rings, Band of Brothers, Teddy Roosevelt, Louis L’Amour and J.C. Ryle, and you have my undivided attention. Shawn Brower’s new book, We Became Men: The Journey Into Manhood (P&R...
October 17, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Megan Hill Today I passed a car on the interstate. It was going well below the speed limit, and I had plenty of time to see the occupants. An elderly woman was in the driver’s seat, fingers gripped tight on the wheel. Next to her was the man I assumed to be her husband,...
September 5, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Joe Carter [Note: “Debatable” is a new feature on the Gospel Coalition’s website in which the GC seeks to briefly summarize debates within the evangelical community. This post originally ran on the GC website.] The Issue: Is complementarianism another word for patriarchy? Egalitarians and many complementarians agree: It is indeed. But a recent debate...
August 15, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
[Note: This series was originally posted at the Girls Gone Wise blog at] Part 5 of a 7-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality by Mary Kassian This is the fifth of a seven-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality. Yup. It just got longer. Christ’s ideal for sex is exceedingly stringent. So stringent, that it...
August 2, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
Part 2 of a series on Complementarity & Mutuality–originally published on By Mary Kassian This is the second of a 5-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality. In the rhetoric surrounding gender roles, complementarity versus mutuality is often presented as a “red-pill-or-blue-pill” either-or choice.  But that’s a false dilemma. That’s a pill we don’t have...