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May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]Bruce A. Ware, Editor’s Column, pp. 2.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Randy Stinson, Executive Director’s Column, pp. 3.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]J. Carl Laney, “Gender Based Boundaries for Gathered Congregations: An Interpretive History 1 Corinthians 14:34-35,” pp. 4-13.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Bruce A. Ware, “Male and Female Complementarity and the Image of God,” pp. 14-23.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Steve Heitland,...
May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]Bruce A. Ware, Editor’s Column, pp. 2.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Randy Stinson, Executive Director’s Column, pp. 3.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Daniel B. Wallace and Michael H. Burer, “Was Junia Really an Apostle? A Reexamination of Romans 16:7,” pp. 4-11.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Randy Stinson, “Does the Father Submit to the Son? A Critique of Royce Gruenler,” pp....
May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]Bruce A. Ware, Editor’s Column, pp. 2.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Randy Stinson, Executive Director’s Column, pp. 3.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Bruce A. Ware, “Tampering With the Trinity: Does the Son Submit to His Father,” pp. 4-12.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Peter R. Schemm, Jr. “Trinitarian Perspectives on Gender Roles,” pp. 13-20.[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]John MacArthur, “Reexamining the Eternal Sonship...
May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]Interview with Marvin Olasky[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Gender in Bible Translation[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]An Excerpt from Mary Kassian’s The Feminist Gospel[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Submission: A Lot More than Giving In[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Review: Thoughts on Family Worship[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Shepherd’s Pie[/list]  
May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]The Definitive Book on 1 Timothy 2 is Released![/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Newsbriefs[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]What’s Wrong with Gender Neutral Bible Translations?[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]The Definitive Book on 1 Timothy 2[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]The Meaning of Head in the Bible: One Question That Egalitarians Can’t Answer[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Reviews Available of Recent Books by Keener and Grenz[/list]...