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March 17, 2014 By Owen Strachan
By Owen Strachan Developing a new phase of a movement is a tricky task. At the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood (CBMW), we’ve taken on this challenge in the past year or so. It has been very exciting to me to see a whole wave of young complementarian voices emerge. Two of these are...
March 17, 2014 By Courtney Reissig
By Courtney Reissig Few things cause more debate and confusion than women and work. Can a woman work? Can a woman be successful in her work? What does that look like? What about moms? The questions are endless. And sometimes the emotions surrounding the questions are endless, too. Thankfully, Carolyn McCulley and Nora Shank have...
March 10, 2014 By CBMW Guest
The Leading Edge is a weekly feature of CBMW’s Edge blog, giving you the articles we are reading today and a highlight of why it matters for tomorrow.  And we mean, “we.”  Tweet us the articles you’re reading @CBMWEdge.  Yours may be here next week. The Culture of Death Bares its Teeth – Al Mohler pens...
March 7, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By David Sons   As a teenager, I had someone tell me (with good intentions) that the goal of dating is marriage. After defining the goal of dating, they went on to say that I was not to date someone who I would not consider marrying. I felt like this was good advice, and I began...
March 4, 2014 By CBMW Guest
Ruth is one of two books in the Old Testament that is named after a woman who also functions as the main character in the story (Esther is the other one). It therefore comes as no surprise that the interpretation of Ruth is hotly contested—particularly on matters related to gender and sexuality. So what do...
February 28, 2014 By CBMW Guest
A perennial question in the gender debate concerns how much the New Testament writers adopted the “patriarchal status quo” in their writings and whether they attempted to subvert that status quo through their teachings. When Paul speaks about wives submitting to husbands, was he simply instructing Christians how to live well in their current cultural...