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January 16, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Katie McCoy “There is a moral panic in America over young women’s sexuality and it’s been breathing new life into a very old idea.” So says Jessica Valenti, founder of and author of The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women. Dubbed the “poster-girl for third-wave feminism,” Valenti claims...
January 10, 2014 By CBMW Guest
Benjamin Reaoch. Women, Slaves, and the Gender Debate: A Complementarian Response to the Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic. Phillipsburg: P&R, 2012. 220 pp. $24.99 By Benjamin Merkle Benjamin Reaoch, pastor of Three Rivers Grace Church (SBC) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has offered a thorough and compelling response to the redemptive-movement (or trajectory) hermeneutic endorsed by egalitarian scholars such as...
January 6, 2014 By CBMW Guest
Sometimes its not what you say that matters but how you say it. Complementarians are sometimes accused of employing logic that is similar to the type of logic that has been used to justify slavery. Is this the case? Is the exegetical reasoning used to justify slavery similar to the type of reasoning used to...
December 18, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Deborah was a judge. Huldah was a prophetess. In fact many women in the Old Testament seem to exercise (spiritual) leadership of some sort. Biblical evidence for Egalitarianism? Not quite. The issue of gender roles isn’t solved that easily. What we need is a whole-bible theology. Narrative Old Testament texts which describe women in leadership...
December 9, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Owen Strachan We are witnessing cultural change at breathtaking speed today. The transgender movement represents this shift; the same-sex normalization campaign represents this shift; the trampling of conscience by governmental decrees in America and beyond represents this shift. Do you know what all this means? It means that CBMW is more needed than ever....
November 21, 2013 By Trillia Newbell
By Trillia Newbell We are pressing pause on our series during the holidays. We know we will all be busy with family and friends, and therefore will pick up with more articles in January. The emails we have received are an indication to us that this topic deserves great attention and prayer. We have been...