The Leading Edge is a weekly feature of CBMW’s Edge blog, giving you the articles we are reading today and a highlight of why it matters for tomorrow. And we mean, “we.” Tweet us the articles you’re reading @CBMWEdge. Yours may be here next week.
The Culture of Death Bares its Teeth – Al Mohler pens an important article on when human dignity attaches to the most vulnerable among us. Because our culture has lumped the right to abortion on demand with the feminist movement, any discussion of gender now must address the issue of life. Human dignity extends beyond one’s gender. That’s why we call it, “human” dignity.
Gender, Discrimination, and Marriage – Kelly Bartlett asks some important questions over the flattening of gender and the inevitable discrimination that comes to the family when marriage (and gender) is redefined: “After all, if gender is not important in marriage, when on earth is it important? Will the same progressives clamoring for male marriage now seek gender quotas in the years to come? Will future feminists fight for the right of children to know their mothers?”
What is Conscience? – Joe Carter provides a valuable evaluation of the oft-talked about, but less defined concept of conscience – complete with reference to cartoon, shoulder-sitting angels and devils!
Why Didn’t Jesus Teach on Homosexuality? – Have you ever been asked this question or had its declarative cousin thrown in your face? Joseph Torres asks, answers, and explains. It’s not as hard of an answer as you might want to make it.
Believers in a Culture Increasingly Hostile to Christianity – The title of this piece should be enough to make you want to glance at it. Adding that Randy Alcorn wrote should accelerate your click speed.
On Persecution – Ross Douthat writes a prescient piece in the New York Times examining whether the current culture arguments against Christians who dare oppose the redefinition of marriage, etc., can claim to have been persecuted. It’s a good piece to ponder. If I can ever get around to it, I’d like to explore how this might play with Jesus’ instruction in the beatitudes, specifically the one in Matthew 5:11.
How a Christian Athlete Might Respond to the Questions that Are Coming (and Will Keep Coming) – Kevin DeYoung offers a not-so-hypothetical interview for those who dare to continue to hold to their faith, even while the culture of forced-tolerance advances into the locker room. If you’re not an athlete, just change the word, “athlete” to your particular vocation.
The Faces of Free Exercise – It’s not only the Orthodox Christians – or, as the left likes to say, “fundamentalist Christians” – who face government substantially burdening their religious liberty. This video by The Becket Fund provides an interesting glimpse on how the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) really works to protect religious liberty using the real-life examples of Sikhs, Native Americans, a Presbyterian homeless ministry, and Jews.
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