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December 9, 2014 By Courtney Reissig
Thank you to the many women who read our recent series on women in the church. We hope you were encouraged as you saw (through varying eyes) the many ways women can and do serve in their local congregations. The local church is God’s ordained means of bringing his glory to the nations. As followers...
December 2, 2014 By CBMW Guest
Lore Ferguson is a graphic artist, writer, and speaker who is passionate about the gospel and the Church. Her stated goal in her work is “to see a generation of dechurched, second generation Christians, or the ragged and hurt, come to the joy of what the gospel means deep down.” Being a single woman covenanted...
November 19, 2014 By Grant Castleberry
  By Grant Castleberry Last night at the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 2014 Banquet in San Diego, California, CBMW instituted two new awards that will honor complementarians each year in the fields of scholarship and leadership. The scholarship award is named after CBMW founder Dr. Wayne Grudem and is titled the Wayne Grudem Award...
October 28, 2014 By Courtney Reissig
Editor’s Note: Chrystie Cole is the Women’s Ministry Advisor at Grace Church in Greenville, SC. She has helped develop curriculum for the women of her church that seeks to focus on key areas women struggle with most. She talked with Courtney Reissig about how their women’s ministry functions in their church. ***************************************************************  What is your...
October 14, 2014 By CBMW Guest
 By Trillia Newbell (Editor’s Note: Join us each Tuesday for our series on Women and the Church. First in the series was “Unity Among Diversity”, by Jenny Manley) I am a woman with gifts. God has given me gifts to serve others, gifts to love others. But I haven’t always thought or lived with that...
September 4, 2014 By CBMW
  Download free pdf. Purchase. A Guide to Navigate Evangelical Feminism In a society where gender roles are a hot-button topic, the church is not immune to the controversy. In fact, the church has wrestled with varying degrees of evangelical feminism for decades. As evangelical feminism has crept into the church, time-trusted resources like Recovering Biblical...