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August 11, 2014 By Grant Castleberry
By Grant Castleberry This summer we launched a giving campaign called Stand Against the Tide. The campaign was started when a donor offered to give $25,000 if other ministry partners would match the gift. So we sought the Lord for clarity about what the campaign should be centered on. We thought that the theme: Stand Against the Tide...
July 24, 2014 By Greg Gibson
By Greg Gibson Not to beat the proverbial dead horse, but getting married young is still a good thing. Aye, it is an incredible thing. A noble thing. A thing to be admired from the mountaintops. So, now that I have my conclusion out of the way, let me tell you why getting married at...
July 21, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Aaron Cline Hanbury NOTE: As CBMW President, it’s my pleasure to introduce a brand-new project of the organization: CBMW Longform. We love the current trend of telling great stories at the length needed to get to know a person, and so we’re beginning this exciting initiative to tell the story of complementarianism–and complementarians. Theology, after...
June 18, 2014 By Owen Strachan
by Owen Strachan Greetings—my name is Owen Strachan. As CBMW President, it’s my pleasure to introduce the summer 2014 “Stand Against the Tide” campaign. I’m delighted to announce that we have a $25,000 matching offer on the table and, on this invigorating occasion, are inaugurating our brand-new partnership program, which includes the opportunity to join...
June 9, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Ryan Hoselton All men have in some fashion entertained or acted upon the idea that women exist for their pleasure. Believing it has only given men dissatisfaction and misery, and it has provoked objectification, hatred, and even violence toward women. Because Elliot Rodger believed that women exist for his pleasure, he went on a...
June 6, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Kyle Worley We hope that it has been helpful for you to consider how sin has marred manhood. We wanted to provide a one source location for you to go back and read any posts you might have missed in this series, re-read any posts that you thought were particularly striking, or direct those...