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June 3, 2014 By CBMW Guest
I read a great deal. I read books — actual books and also on a kindle — websites, blogs, and newspapers. In a certain sense, as a pastor/church planter, I read out of delight, but I also read out of necessity to maintain a pulse on current events and a sense of history. Several weeks...
May 30, 2014 By Greg Gibson
  By Greg Gibson The transgender issue has found itself in the cultural spotlight this week. Time Magazine’s bold cover of Laverne Cox—a transgendered woman—brings this issue directly onto center stage.  This is a colossal milestones in the Public Square. It’s as if the Time Magazine cover piece is the “door blown open acceptance” of...
May 20, 2014 By Owen Strachan
LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY | The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood (CBMW) is delighted to announce that Grant Castleberry has just been named the Executive Director of CBMW. He will fill the role previously held by Dr. Owen Strachan, now the President of CBMW. At 33 and 29 years of age, respectively, Strachan (@ostrachan) and Castleberry...
May 12, 2014 By CBMW Guest
  LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY | The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood is delighted to announce that Owen Strachan has just been named the President of CBMW. He is the eighth President of the organization, founded in 1987 by John Piper and Wayne Grudem. At 32, he is the youngest President in the council’s history. Strachan...
April 28, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Alicia Rollins [I approach speaking of war imagery with sobriety, knowing that many people live in such a reality every day. As God may turn even the most horrible sins upside down for his good purposes, I pray any association a person may have with war is used for encouragement and perseverance in Christ.]...
April 23, 2014 By Owen Strachan
The following is an excerpt from a free ebook from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Edited by Dr. Albert Mohler, with contributions from Dr. Jim Hamilton and Denny Burk (editor of the CBMW Journal), CBMW’s own Owen Strachan has contributed God and the Gay Christian?  A Response to Matthew Vines.  As Matthew Vines attempts to squeeze the square peg of...