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May 11, 2016 By Scott Corbin
David Schrock | Pastor of Preaching and Theology Occoquan Bible Church Woodbridge, Virginia Throughout the Bible there is great discussion about “blessing.” In Genesis 1 God made man and woman in his image. He called them to have dominion over creation and he “blessed them” (Gen 1:26–28). After death reigned on the earth (Gen 5)...
May 9, 2016 By Scott Corbin
Candi Finch | Assistant Professor of Theology in Women’s Studies Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth, Texas As many in the world mourn the passing of musical icon and innovator David Bowie, the influence of his 1970s androgynous, Glam Rock alter ego, Ziggy Stardust, lives on in contemporary discussions about gender. Bowie, who died from cancer on...
April 21, 2016 By Scott Corbin
Perhaps no one has more assiduously—and gleefully—documented the disappearance of men than Hanna Rosin. In her 2010 book, The End of Men, and in subsequent articles, Rosin has traced the disappearance of men, as defined by traditional roles and responsibilities.  And she argues it is a good thing. The data she marshals is alarming, if not altogether...
April 12, 2016 By Greg Gibson
Ronnie Floyd | Raising Godly Sons Thoughts on raising Christian sons: Live the way you want your sons to become. If you want your sons to become something, you need to live that way. Teach your sons how to walk with God. Pray for your sons daily. Check your personal ego on the cross daily....
April 4, 2016 By Greg Gibson
Compelling Complementarianism The first sermon I ever heard John Piper preach was on Biblical manhood. I remember thinking that I’d never heard preaching like it. It was electric. Of course it was also the subject matter that gripped me. No one has spoken more compellingly than Dr. Piper on issues of complementarianism over the past...
March 30, 2016 By Greg Gibson
  I have found it increasingly effective in ministering to youth and children to quote sources from outside of the broad evangelical circle. For example, this past Sunday I used a clip of Christopher Hitchens quoting Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians in a debate with a Universalist. He may not have assented to the...