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March 21, 2016 By Greg Gibson
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood has brought on Candi Finch and Jeremy Kimble to serve as assistant editors for its Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (JBMW). The additions reflect the organization’s commitment to producing scholarly material that will serve pastors, churches, schools, and Christians looking to clarify their complementarian convictions. “I am...
March 10, 2016 By Greg Gibson
Building Codes as Opportunities for Activism TIME magazine recently observed, “Bathrooms often become battlegrounds in fights over civil rights.” San Francisco now requires single-occupancy washrooms be designated as gender-neutral, and a gender-neutral washroom on each floor of new buildings. Gender-neutral washrooms have been added to the city’s building inspection checklist. When, days ago, South Dakota’s...
March 8, 2016 By Scott Corbin
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood received a 12% increase in financial donations in 2015, marking a jump of almost $32,000. In addition to the rise in donations, CBMW saw a significant increase in donors, adding more than 300 last year alone. This marks the third consecutive year with a significant rise in giving,...
March 6, 2016 By Greg Gibson
  Next month, April 2016, Christian Focus is publishing a book I co-authored with Owen Strachan. It’s called The Grand Design: Male And Female He Made Them and it is an introduction to biblical complementarity. What lies beneath The Grand Design? Read on. On January 5, 2015 I was working late preparing a message on...
March 1, 2016 By Greg Gibson
A Review of Andreas Köstenberger and Thomas R. Schreiner, eds. Women in the Church: An Interpretation and Application of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 Third Edition Wheaton: Crossway, 2016. 432pp. $18.99. *************** On the writing of books on gender there is no end. Book after book passes through bookstores, into personal libraries, and back into used bookstores...
February 19, 2016 By Greg Gibson
When the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced its nominees for the 88th Academy Awards on January 14, it made waves throughout popular culture. Many took to social media or to blogs to voice their continued concern over the lack of racial diversity in this year’s nominees for acting—all 20 were white. Not...