Ronnie Floyd | Raising Godly Sons
Thoughts on raising Christian sons:
- Live the way you want your sons to become. If you want your sons to become something, you need to live that way.
- Teach your sons how to walk with God.
- Pray for your sons daily.
- Check your personal ego on the cross daily.
Never sacrifice your family on the altar of ministry success. Your family will know you are doing this.
Ministry is great. But don’t lose your family on the altar of ministry success. Learn to say no.
You only have one shot with your son; check your ego at the cross daily.
Heath Lambert | The Gospel for the Struggling: Overcoming Sinful Desire
Psalm 119:37
3 observations about this verse:
- Our eyes are drawn to worthless things.
- We need God to give us super-natural grace to change.
- We need God to use His grace to empower a practical path to change.
If you look at pornography, you are not a complementarian.
The God who sees all and knows all, knows exactly how many hours pastors spend on pornography.
When you expose yourself to the living Word,
Anthony Moore | Sidewalk Chalk and Spray Cans: Painting the Gospel Through Our Life
What does submission look like in the family?
How should the church relate to Christ? Our families relate to one another in the same way.
Eternity is on the line as with live our lives together, parent our children, and love our wives.
In submission to her husband, it is a picture of the gospel and the church’s relationship to her husband.
As men, we win our families to Christ by obedience to Christ with our own lives.
Alistair Begg | God’s Design for Women
In culture, the definition of sexuality was and is still up for grabs. The design for manhood and womanhood is not defined by culture. It is defined by God, as he has created us male and female.
His instruction is clear as in terms of gender. He made Adam and Eve for each other.
From the beginning of creation, we have heterosexual monogamy.
Men should act like men; women should act like women. Men should look like men; women should look like women.
The compel of God’s call on our life for marriage is grounded in promise.
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The State of Complementarianism in the ACNA (Rt Rev’d Dr Felix Orji)
By Felix Orji