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March 14, 2017 By Garrett Pearson
By Gavin Peacock The picture above is of me with my former teammate Paul Furlong after one of his goals during our Chelsea days! One of the things I miss most about playing football is the camaraderie in the dressing room, where men are friends together in a common cause with big risk and big...
January 30, 2017 By Grant Castleberry
By Grant Castleberry Boy Scouts, for the large majority of the twentieth century was a benchmark American organization. By that I mean that it was an organization which stood for the essence of American values. An organization which focused on the development of young men to serve as noble American leaders in government, the military,...
January 25, 2017 By CBMW
We would love for you to join CBMW President Denny Burk, Kevin DeYoung, Sam Allberry, and Andrew Walker at the 2017 TGC Conference for lunch and a panel discussion on “Ministry in a Transgender Age.” The lunch event is scheduled to be held from 12–1:15PM on Tuesday, April 4, and your meal is included in the ticket...
November 29, 2016 By Grant Castleberry
By Grant Castleberry We at CBMW are so thankful for the opportunity to serve many Christians and churches around the world with resources, conferences, events, and teaching on biblical sexuality, the family, and manhood and womanhood. I heard Alistair Begg say recently in a Q and A, “that the greatest cultural challenge facing the church...
October 6, 2016 By Grant Castleberry
By R. Albert Mohler Jr. I would like to draw your attention to one of the most important research events in recent history, and that is the publication in the Fall 2016 issue of the New Atlantis: A Journal of Technology and Society, of a special report on sexuality and gender, subtitled, “Findings from the Biological, Psychological,...
September 26, 2016 By Grant Castleberry
By Courtney Reissig A lot has been said lately about submission, gender, and complementarian theology. What does submission mean? Should we even talk about submission anymore? Have we made too much of submission? Yes and no. In some sense, we have talked about submission so much that we’ve missed the nuances of it completely. In...