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Tag > same-sex marriage

March 3, 2014 By CBMW Guest
The Leading Edge is a weekly feature of CBMW’s Edge blog, giving you the articles we are reading today and a highlight of why it matters for tomorrow.  And we mean, “we.”  Tweet us the articles you’re reading @CBMWEdge.  Yours may be here next week. What Should Christians Think of Laws Criminalizing Homosexuality? – Dr....
December 17, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By: Derrick Dickens These questions are being answered in the court system and most recently in a case decided in the state of Colorado. In a ruling that will shake many Christian small business owners, a Christian baker was ordered  to  provide his services for a gay marriage reception even if it disagrees with his...
November 22, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story: “The Town FEMA Turned Down,” by Jonathan V. Last writing for The Lead: For a while, that was enough to placate the forces of modernity. But the sun has now set on that armistice. Both the left and the government—distinctions between the two are perhaps redundant these days—believe that the free exercise...
October 10, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story:  “Does Faith = Hate?” by Rod Dreher writing for The American Conservative. The Lead:  “A consensus is emerging on the right that the most important goal at this stage is not to stop gay marriage entirely but to secure as much liberty as possible for dissenting religious and social conservatives while there is still...
September 18, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story:  “Rebuttals to Arguments for Same-Sex Marriage,” by Brandon Vogt at The Lead: “Perhaps no issue is more nerve-wracking today than same-sex marriage. It’s a magnet for controversy, evoking strong reactions from those on either side of the debate. But beneath all the fiery passion and rhetoric, there are real arguments to evaluate....
May 21, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Drew Griffin   In Part One  we examined the rising support for gay marriage among Americans, noting that a solid majority now approve of same-sex marriage.  After decades of occupying the cultural high ground American Christians, especially evangelicals, have been relegated to the periphery.  Believers in America may be moral, but they are no longer in...