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February 15, 2016 By Scott Corbin
February 12, 2016 By Greg Gibson
  I have a guilty pleasure. I enjoy browsing Pinterest for new recipes, homeschooling ideas, and fun crafts (admittedly though, I never do the crafts). Almost every time I scroll through the pins, I see ones for blog posts on the topic of loving your husband. “20 Ways to Love Your Husband” “How to Truly...
February 11, 2016 By Greg Gibson
The last thirty years have seen massive advances in technology and sweeping cultural changes. “Globalization” now forces rural Denmark book shops to compete against a Seattle retailer with 24-hour access to the very homes and pockets of its customers. Not long ago, military theorists were buzzing about how information technology promised a “Revolution in Military...
February 8, 2016 By Greg Gibson
  The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood will host a national conference on the theme, “The Beauty of Complementarity,” in Louisville, Kentucky, April 11-12. There will also be a women’s conference on the morning of April 12.   You can find more information about the 2016 conference here, and registration here. The conference will...
February 7, 2016 By Scott Corbin Join Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Mary Kassian, Kevin DeYoung, John Piper, and others at this year’s CBMW 2016 T4G Pre-Conference, The Beauty of Complementarity. In addition to the many books you will receive at the conference, those who sign up this week—and this week only—will also receive Dr Mohler’s new book, We Cannot Be...
February 6, 2016 By Greg Gibson
  This past week, Grant Castleberry reminded us that the Christian worldview stands in direct opposition to women in the draft. Tonight during the GOP Debate, several candidates announced their support for drafting women into the U. S. military.  We at CBMW have a different position on this issue. Let us explain.  This is a Modern Innovation The...