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March 29, 2006 By CBMW
The essence of the male-female relationship is found in the "blessed alliance" God has ordained in the early chapters of Genesis, Carolyn Custis James told a group of students at the annual Kaleo Conference Feb. 10-11 at Covenant College.
March 27, 2006 By CBMW
Author and speaker Carolyn Custis James told attendees of the annual Kaleo Conference, held Feb. 10-11 at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Ga., of the need to swing open the doors for women to have increased levels of ministry in the church.
March 15, 2006 By CBMW
Apparently TIME magazine is not aware that the use of the universal masculine “man” to mean “human race” risks confusing postmodern readers.
March 2, 2006 By CBMW
Randy Stinson told students that the Bible is clear regarding the roles men and women are to play in the home and in the church. The Bible is not quite as muddy on the topic as many in the evangelical world insist.
February 6, 2006 By CBMW
Two leaders of The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) will present seminars on gender issues and the pastoral ministry at the 2006 Shepherd’s Conference, set for March 1-5 at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California.
February 1, 2006 By CBMW
How does a local congregation carry out women’s ministry in a way that is faithful to Scripture? Ligon Duncan and Susan Hunt have written a new book that seeks to give a thoroughly biblical answer to that question.