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August 9, 2006 By CBMW
Is it possible for a Christian to affirm monogamous heterosexual marriage as the biblical pattern and simultaneously argue that a monogamous, gay union is “authentic sexuality?”
August 4, 2006 By CBMW
New Testament scholar Peter Jones, in a new book The God of Sex: How Spirituality Defines Your Sexuality (Victor, 2006), argues that many Christians take a “spiritual smorgasbord” approach to their views of sexuality.
August 1, 2006 By CBMW
Last fall, the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) reaffirmed its complementarian policy on women in ministry and its board of trustees agreed to refer inquiries on the issue to the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
June 30, 2006 By CBMW
A new commentary on the NT offers biblical insights on a myriad of issues pertinent to women and seeks to offer evangelical women a biblical alternative to egalitarian commentaries that have interpreted the text of Scripture according to feminist ideals.
June 26, 2006 By CBMW
A recent trend toward full-blown egalitarianism continued to gather momentum in the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) this month during the denomination’s annual Synod when delegates made several strategic moves designed to open all church offices to women.
June 21, 2006 By CBMW
The words the church has used for nearly 1,700 years to describe the Trinity is apparently too male-centered for some in the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA).