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October 17, 2017 By Matt Damico
When we at Evangelium21 heard about the release of the Nashville Statement, we very quickly decided that this important statement should be made available in a German translation. This year, many in Germany commemorate the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 theses to the castle-church door in Wittenberg. But there is no agreement...
October 11, 2017 By CBMW
In the days following CBMW’s release of the Nashville Statement on biblical sexuality, we received many emails from evangelicals across the globe wondering if we had plans to translate the Nashville Statement into other languages. We initially planned to offer translations at a later date – as CBMW did with the Danvers Statement 30 years...
September 28, 2017 By Denny Burk
In my book What Is the Meaning of Sex?, I made the case for a hybrid deontological/teleological approach to sexual ethics. I wish the case that I made there were half as good as the address that I just listened to by Dr. Joe Rigney (see above). In a recent chapel address at Bethlehem College,...
September 28, 2017 By CBMW
When I first heard the term “polyamory,” it sounded like one of those eyebrow-raising issues you hear about on daytime talk-shows – shocking, extreme, and on the fringe.[1] Less than a decade later, it’s creeping out of the shadows and into the mainstream, and even into the church. What is polyamory? The word has origins...
September 25, 2017 By CBMW
Renown analytic philosopher and Christian apologist William Lane Craig recently released a podcast on why he signed the Nashville Statement, which is excerpted below: “I feel uncomfortable signing these sorts of statements because it can lead to great misunderstanding and puts you on the line with respect to certain issues. But I signed this Nashville...
September 18, 2017 By CBMW
Recently, an individual contacted me and told me that my book, God and the Transgender Debate, had been of great comfort to them. Every author hopes for an email like the one I received, especially given the labor of love one devotes to a book. This person divulged to me that they had struggled with...