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October 3, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story: “Some Businesses Balk at Gay Weddings,” by Nathan Koppel and Ashby Jones writing at the Wall Street Journal The Lead:“Religious-rights advocates argue that the Constitution affords people the right to abstain from a ceremony that violates their religious beliefs. ‘It’s an evisceration of our freedom of association'” said John Eastman, the chairman of...
October 3, 2013 By Courtney Reissig
  By Courtney Reissig Like many new brides I entered marriage with rose colored glasses. Prior to getting married I had immersed myself in all things biblical womanhood. I was well-versed in the debates, I knew the biblical passages about marriage, and I thought I had the whole submission thing down. In fact, I couldn’t...
October 2, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story: “Airmen Say Air Force is Punishing Evangelical Christians,” by Todd Starnes at The Lead:“’There is an atmosphere of intimidation at Lackland Air Force Base,” said Steve Branson, the pastor of Village Parkway Baptist Church in San Antonio. “Gay commanders and officers are pushing their agenda on the airmen. There is a culture...
September 26, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story:  “How Obamacare Will Subsidize Abortion” by Chuck Donovan writing at The Corner at National Review Online. The Lead: “Is all this a tempest in a teapot with little effect on publicly supported abortion? Far from it. An analysis by the Charlotte Lozier Institute published this weeksuggests that the number of abortions that will be...
September 18, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story:  “Rebuttals to Arguments for Same-Sex Marriage,” by Brandon Vogt at The Lead: “Perhaps no issue is more nerve-wracking today than same-sex marriage. It’s a magnet for controversy, evoking strong reactions from those on either side of the debate. But beneath all the fiery passion and rhetoric, there are real arguments to evaluate....
September 5, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story:  “Christian bakery closes after LGBT threats, protests” by Todd Starnes posted on September 3, 2013 at The Lead:  “’Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that folks have the right to discriminate,’ he told the newspaper. ‘The goal is to rehabilitate. For those who do violate the law,...