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August 22, 2016 By Denny Burk
By Denny Burk As the Olympics wound up last week, there were numerous reports about an Olympic runner whose sex was a point of controversy. It is reported that this athlete has an intersex condition called 5-ARD and has the testosterone level of a man. The athlete competed as a woman and won the gold...
July 20, 2016 By Grant Castleberry
By Denny Burk Last month, the CBMW board chairman invited me to consider coming on board as the new president of the organization. As I began praying about this unexpected opportunity, my thoughts turned very quickly from whether to accept the position to what CBMW needs to be and to do in the days ahead....
July 20, 2016 By Grant Castleberry
By Matt Damico The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood has named Denny Burk the organization’s next president. CBMW’s board of directors made the appointment shortly after former president Owen Strachan announced his resignation last week. The appointment makes Burk the organization’s ninth president since its founding in 1987. “I want to thank the CBMW...
July 12, 2016 By Grant Castleberry
By Matt Damico Owen Strachan announced his resignation as president of The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood at a meeting of the organization’s board of directors in early June. Strachan has served as CBMW president for more than two years, and as executive director for two years prior to that. He began to consider...
June 18, 2016 By Scott Corbin
So many men spend so much time worrying about their place in the world. They want to matter. They seek to carve their names in the stone of the ground. They pay a terrible price for it. But a father, especially a good father, knows this: he matters to his family. That is enough for...
June 8, 2016 By Scott Corbin
John DelHousaye | Associate Professor of New Testament Phoenix Seminary Phoenix, Arizona Writing for the majority in the recent historic Supreme Court decision that granted the right for same-sex couples to marry, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy ventured the following description of marriage: “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love,...