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June 29, 2004 By CBMW
David and Gayle Fee are proof positive that teaching biblical gender roles without compromise does not have to lead to a church split
June 27, 2004 By CBMW
Last week’s election of J. Ligon Duncan III as the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) places a committed complementarian at the head of one of the fastest-growing denominations in the United States.
June 21, 2004 By CBMW
The website of Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE) sells books that are predictable given the organization’s commitment to furthering the egalitarian point of view within an ostensibly evangelical context.
June 14, 2004 By CBMW
At FamilyLife, staff members regularly use a phrase that summarizes well the dilemma the ministry aims to answer: "When truth and life collide."
May 29, 2004 By CBMW
Does Christ submit to His people? A Luther Seminary professor argued that Christ and the church submit to each other in a recent debate with Randy Stinson
May 10, 2004 By CBMW
Is InterVarsity Christian Fellowship committed to egalitarianism? The organization’s officials say InterVarsity does not operate out of a particular stance on gender issues but Ryan Leatherman might beg to differ.