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September 9, 2004 By CBMW
In their groundbreaking 2002 book, A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality (InterVarsity Press), Joseph and Linda Nicolosi argue that homosexuality, contrary to the pseudo-science referenced by gay rights advocates, is not biological.
August 31, 2004 By CBMW
In many ways, eleven-year-old Kayla is a typical pre-teen. But Kayla is atypical regarding what she wants to be when she grows up. Kayla–who prefers to be called by the more masculine name “Kaden”–wants to be a man.
August 19, 2004 By CBMW
It is the typical response to the question of leadership among many parachurch organizations: "Gender roles do not matter here because we are not a church."
August 9, 2004 By CBMW
The Roman Catholic Church on July 31 took a bold step that evangelicals have not: it formally attacked feminist ideologies that seek to erase gender differences between men and women.
July 20, 2004 By CBMW
What do the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the institution of marriage have to do with each other? Everything . . .
July 9, 2004 By CBMW
One Illinois pastor believes you can tell a lot about a local church by examining its stance on gender roles in the home and church.