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September 25, 2017 By CBMW
Renown analytic philosopher and Christian apologist William Lane Craig recently released a podcast on why he signed the Nashville Statement, which is excerpted below: “I feel uncomfortable signing these sorts of statements because it can lead to great misunderstanding and puts you on the line with respect to certain issues. But I signed this Nashville...
September 18, 2017 By CBMW
Recently, an individual contacted me and told me that my book, God and the Transgender Debate, had been of great comfort to them. Every author hopes for an email like the one I received, especially given the labor of love one devotes to a book. This person divulged to me that they had struggled with...
September 15, 2017 By CBMW
I signed the Nashville Statement because it is a true statement of biblical teaching on a set of topics of great importance today. According to Scripture, marriage is the fundamental building block of society, and it symbolizes the covenantal union between ourselves and our Creator. God established marriage before our Fall into sin, in Genesis...
September 14, 2017 By CBMW
Randy Alcorn, founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries, has been serving the church through his writing and teaching ministry for decades now, giving careful attention to a wide variety of topics on Christian faithfulness including heaven and eternity, marriage, the sanctity of life, and sexuality and purity. He is also an initial signatory to...
September 12, 2017 By CBMW
As the Nashville Statement signature list continues to grow—at the time of this post there are over 16,000 signatures—the coalition is broadening to include many Christian leaders and organizations. One of the main purposes of the Nashville Statement is to provide churches and organizations with a concise statement on what the Bible teaches about human...
September 3, 2017 By CBMW
Writing at The Hill, CBMW President Denny Burk explains why the Nashville Statement matters, and why it matters especially in this day and age: There is an apocryphal saying often attributed to Martin Luther that says this: ‘If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Word of God except precisely that little...