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August 19, 2013 By Owen Strachan
by Owen Strachan After several months of excellent leadership of Manual, Lead Editor Brandon Smith has shifted roles within CBMW. He was recently hired as Director of Gospel-Centered Discipleship. Brandon is one of several talented CBMW employees who has drawn attention from other organizations in recent months as the organization has returned fully to the...
August 19, 2013 By Owen Strachan
by Owen Strachan The momentum continues at CBMW, and our aggressive slate of undertakings shows no signs of slowing up. We’ve seen a very strong response to our re-launched website, but we’ve got much more we want to do (with several more exciting announcements forthcoming in the fall!). In that spirit, on behalf of CBMW,...
August 19, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Kyle Worley As darkness begins to set on Minas Tirith, Gandalf stands with Pippin at his side and in the face of a fierce enemy begins to “laugh suddenly…putting his arm about the hobbit’s shoulders, and gazing out of the window. Pippin glanced in some wonder at the face now close beside his own,...
August 19, 2013 By Courtney Reissig
  By Rondi Lauterbach I wake up with a groan. One eye checks the alarm clock. Internally, I ask myself, “Why do I feel so lousy?” And then I remember. I finished off the Dove bars last night. “Be honest”, an inner voice nags, “you started AND finished them”. While I want to spank myself...
August 15, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Katie Van Dyke It’s not difficult to pick up on the fact that many single women really struggle in this stage of life. As a single woman, I know how hard and frustrating it can be to wait for a godly man to come along. I have a great desire to be a godly...
August 14, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Kyle Worley Herman Bavinck, in his classic book The Doctrine of God, said, “In the confession of the Trinity throbs the heart of the Christian religion: every error results from, or upon deeper reflection may be traced to, a wrong view of this doctrine.” It is without question that the doctrine of the Trinity...