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September 4, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story: “Yes, Threats to Religious Liberty Happen Here” by Ryan T. Anderson, National Review Online. The Lead: “Some on the left are criticizing Senator Ted Cruz’s recent comments about how the drive to redefine marriage may threaten religious freedom — but a closer inspection of the issue reveals his worries were accurate, prescient, and maybe even...
September 4, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Greg Scott My first two posts on the increasing state encroachment on Christian conscience provided, first, background on the Elane Photography case, and then outlined possible Christian responses to the burgeoning threat illustrated by that case. I presented two unacceptable responses – abandon faith and abandon the public square – and recommended a third...
September 4, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  By Kim Shay Over two years ago, I was taking my Dyson vacuum cleaner up the stairs to clean. When I got to the top of the stairs, the cord, which I had unwisely not wound around the machine, but carried in my hand, got tangled, and I had to unravel it. As I...
September 3, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Brian Croft and Cara Croft. The Pastor’s Family: Shepherding Your Family through the Challenges of Pastoral Ministry.Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013. 176 pp. $ 16.99. by Jonathon D. Woodyard When the Apostle Paul lists the qualifications for pastoral ministry he indicates that a pastor must “manage his own household well” (1 Tim 3:3). Brian and Cara Croft...
September 3, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story: California gay conversion therapy ban upheld.  By Howard Mintz at the San Jose Mercury News The Lead: “In a decision that could spark a U.S. Supreme Court review, a federal appeals court on Thursday upheld the (California’s) new law barring the practice of counseling minors to convert from homosexuality (aka conversion therapy), rejecting the free...
September 3, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Editor’s Note: At Karis, we care about helping women understand God’s word and his design in every season in life. That is why we are doing a series for college students. Today’s post continues this series with a discussion on the importance of the local church for college students. We hope you will continue to...