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Topic > Homosexuality

April 24, 2014 By CBMW Guest
  By Jeremiah G. Dys Greek mythology tells us of the irresistable songs of the Sirens, mythological figures whose voice and song were so lovely that sailors turned from their charted course through safe waters only to crash upon the rocks to their doom in their chase of the Sirens. In reading the coverage of the...
April 23, 2014 By Owen Strachan
The following is an excerpt from a free ebook from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Edited by Dr. Albert Mohler, with contributions from Dr. Jim Hamilton and Denny Burk (editor of the CBMW Journal), CBMW’s own Owen Strachan has contributed God and the Gay Christian?  A Response to Matthew Vines.  As Matthew Vines attempts to squeeze the square peg of...
April 21, 2014 By CBMW Guest
  The Leading Edge is our weekly look-over-our-shoulder at what we’re reading around this Internet thing.  Want to participate?  Send us what you’re reading by tweeting it to us – @CBMWEdge.  You should follow us too.  Go ahead.  We’ll wait.  Done?  Good, now onto the Edge. How the President Evolved – This is the New York...
April 17, 2014 By CBMW Guest
If any topic is at the forefront of the current moral revolution in America it is the issue of same-sex marriage. At its core, this discussion is theological. What does it mean to be “male” and “female” and how to do we live out those identities in ways that promote human flourishing? In response to...
April 14, 2014 By CBMW Guest
  The Leading Edge is a weekly peek into what we’re reading and thinking through.  Maybe you have read them; maybe you have not.  Here’s a chance to catch up on news and information at the intersection of gender and the public square, with a the spice of worldview thrown in for flavor.  See something...
March 10, 2014 By CBMW Guest
The Leading Edge is a weekly feature of CBMW’s Edge blog, giving you the articles we are reading today and a highlight of why it matters for tomorrow.  And we mean, “we.”  Tweet us the articles you’re reading @CBMWEdge.  Yours may be here next week. The Culture of Death Bares its Teeth – Al Mohler pens...