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Author > Denny Burk

April 29, 2024 By Denny Burk
Editor’s Note: The following article is Part III of a response to Christianity Today’s April 2024 cover story on gender and appears in the Spring 2024 issue of Eikon. Parts I and II can be read here and here. One of the glorious and beautiful truths of—and legacies of—biblical Christianity is Christianity’s effect in history...
April 29, 2024 By Denny Burk
The April 2024 issue of Christianity Today includes three cover stories addressing ongoing differences between complementarians and egalitarians. Titled “Division of Labor,” the cover asks whether egalitarians and complementarians are really as opposed to one another as people suppose. Inside the magazine, the editors introduce the three authors—Gordan Hugenberger, Dani Treweek, and Gaby Viesca—as “ministry...
February 1, 2024 By Denny Burk
I have been writing and speaking about gender and sexuality for over decade and a half. Whenever I talk about transgenderism, one of the first practical questions I hear concerns the use of pronouns. Whenever I talk about homosexuality, one of the first questions is about attending “gay weddings.” The answer to both questions is...
October 1, 2023 By Denny Burk
I just finished listening to Pastor Andy Stanley’s Sunday morning sermon to North Point Community Church. I have to say that it is one of the most subversively anti-Christian messages that I have ever heard. Stanley says at the outset that he is preaching the message as a response to Albert Mohler’s column in World...
June 30, 2023 By Denny Burk
Earlier today, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its much-anticipated decision in 303 Creative v. Elenis, a free speech case with implications for religious liberty. In a 6-3 landmark decision, the Court held that the government may not compel Americans to express messages they do not believe. The question before the Court was whether a...
February 10, 2023 By Denny Burk
The title of this post is a bit of misnomer because this is actually a reintroduction of a podcast that has been around for a while but only with irregular content. Well, that has changed. Colin Smothers and I are now producing weekly episodes of the podcast. For the next several months we are going...