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Author > Denny Burk

February 28, 2020 By Denny Burk
If you had asked me ten years ago whether evangelicals would ever give up ground on the issue of homosexuality, I would have said “no way!” Sure, the evangelical movement has always had its “progressive wing.” And yes, even the term “evangelical” has always been notoriously difficult to define. But whatever “evangelical” means, everyone always...
February 25, 2020 By Denny Burk
A video interview with N. T. Wright recently went viral on Facebook (watch it below). In it, Wright is asked about women in ministry. It is clear that the interviewer and the audience are eager to hear Wright plant an egalitarian flag in the ground. Wright says that he is asked about this almost everywhere...
August 21, 2019 By Denny Burk
“Submit to one another in the fear of Christ, wives, to your own husbands as to the Lord.” -Ephesians 5:21-22 In Ephesians 5:22-25, Paul directs wives to “submit” to their husbands, and husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Traditionally, this text has been understood to teach that a husband should be...
April 11, 2019 By Denny Burk
The Baptist Press reports that the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has adopted The Nashville Statement as a confessional standard. We will have more to say about this in the near future, but for now here’s an excerpt from the report: MBTS President Jason Allen announced to the board a need for the school to adopt...
September 10, 2018 By Denny Burk
Alister McGrath defines heresy with these words, “A heresy is a failed attempt at orthodoxy, whose fault lies not in its willingness to explore possibilities or press conceptual boundaries, but in its unwillingness to accept that it has in fact failed” (Heresy, p. 31). McGrath reveals what is an ironic truth about heresy. It is...
March 21, 2018 By Denny Burk
Mark Hemingway has a fascinating profile of Russell Moore over at The Weekly Standard. The piece focuses on the fallout among evangelicals from the 2016 election, but he includes a small bit about The Nashville Statement at the beginning. Hemingway writes: The Nashville Statement is, in some respects, a model for civic engagement by churches...