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By Trillia Newbell (Editor’s Note: Join us each Tuesday for our series on Women and the Church. First in the series was “Unity Among Diversity”, by Jenny Manley) I am a woman with gifts. God has given me gifts to serve others, gifts to love others. But I haven’t always thought or lived with that...
King David sang of its sweetness. Paul pleaded for it from a Roman prison cell. Unity among Christians is a theme the Bible does not take lightly. Jesus himself prayed for it in the Garden of Gethsemane as he neared his own death. He prayed intimately to his Father “… for those who will believe...
By Lindsey Carlson I have never felt like an older thirty-two-year-old than I have this week. Yes, ladies above 32, you may commence eye-rolling. Having the chance to fellowship with a bride too young to have celebrated her first wedding anniversary and moms still cleaning off the warm spit-up of their newborns, does that to...
By Christel Humfrey More and more I hear that women need to love themselves more. In the surrounding culture, we hear slogans like “you’re enough” and “believe in yourself.” In all of this focus on the self, we are encouraged to think of ourselves as godlike in our abilities and potential. But should women...
By Rondi Lauterbach It’s that time of year—commitment time. When someone asks you to be team mom, or teach third grade Sunday School another year, what is your knee jerk response? Are you overwhelmed? Or do you jump at the opportunity? I remember having this conversation with a friend over ten years ago. As...
By Katie Van Dyke Sometimes I feel like I am on a roller coaster of desires and uncertainties. In one instance I’m on a high feeling, confident and excited about something and then in the very next instance I’m brought low, feeling doubtful and confused about the very same thing. I know I am...