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By Trillia Newbell (Editor’s Note: Join us each Tuesday for our series on Women and the Church. First in the series was “Unity Among Diversity”, by Jenny Manley) I am a woman with gifts. God has given me gifts to serve others, gifts to love others. But I haven’t always thought or lived with that...
By Courtney Reissig The topic of women in the church is often debated in our evangelical circles. Whenever people bring up the subject the inevitable questions quickly arise: What can women do? What can’t women do? Should women teach men? Should women teach teenage boys? Should women have a voice in decision making? And so...
By Candice Watters To an engaged woman, the wedding is the biggest, most expectation-laden event of her life. It holds the promise of unrivaled delights, as well as more peril than she’s ever feared. OK, maybe I’m overstating it a bit. Maybe. A wedding can seem that all-consuming, all-important to someone anticipating it. But...
By Trillia Newbell There’s a theme I’ve noticed as I peruse social media; women are hungry for freedom. “Messy” is a familiar word. Women want to know that they aren’t alone in their messy lives. They want to know that they don’t have to be perfect or have it all together and to be assured...
By Jessalyn Hutto “As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful...
By Maghan Smethurst Genesis 1: 27-28 So, what do you do? It’s a question that pops up in almost every introductory conversation, right behind your name and where you’re from. Believe it or not, job descriptions date back to the first page of your Bible. “In the beginning,” God reveals himself to be an orderly...