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By Annie Leigh Edwards Those struggling with depression (whether it’s spiritual, emotional, physical, or some combination of the three) are given a reminder that they are in great need of a Savior. We see the brokenness of this fallen world in the darkness and cry out to Christ to redeem all that has been lost.
I have a confession to make: fellowship is hard for me lately. My life these past 16 months could be described as unsteady and complicated. My instincts tell me to withdraw from people until I feel more steady and secure. Social pleasantries feel trite, and honest, nuanced answers are exhausting. I know I am not...
King David sang of its sweetness. Paul pleaded for it from a Roman prison cell. Unity among Christians is a theme the Bible does not take lightly. Jesus himself prayed for it in the Garden of Gethsemane as he neared his own death. He prayed intimately to his Father “… for those who will believe...
By Rondi Lauterbach Editor’s Note: Part One of this post (Embracing Our Limits) appeared a couple of weeks ago. ************************************************** Do you tend to say “yes” to every opportunity that comes your way? Saying “yes” when I should say “no” indicates a need to embrace my limits. That requires humility. But what if I find...
By Marci Preheim The “love” chapter, found in 1 Corinthians 13, may well be the most quoted, and yet least heeded passage in the Bible. It is practically a given that a recitation of it will show up in most Christian weddings. We all know that love is patient and love is kind, but...
By Leanne Swift I’ve been praying lately that the Lord would show me how I could be more effective in his service. I think he answered by revealing something that has been holding me back in many ways: self preservation. It has begun to gnaw at my soul. Websters defines self-preservation like this: 1. preservation of...