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May 21, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Drew Griffin   In Part One  we examined the rising support for gay marriage among Americans, noting that a solid majority now approve of same-sex marriage.  After decades of occupying the cultural high ground American Christians, especially evangelicals, have been relegated to the periphery.  Believers in America may be moral, but they are no longer in...
May 17, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Aimee Byrd This was not the summer I had envisioned for my family. In the spring, my husband and I were happily talking about different families that we wanted to have over for cookouts, horseshoes, and the fire pit. I envisioned family bike rides, hikes, and day trips. Our spring sports schedule was pretty...
May 16, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Drew Griffin: Over the past several years few issues have been debated, discussed, and fought over more than the issue of marriage.  Countless column inches and blog pages have been devoted to the discussion of its definition or its redefinition in culture.  Evangelicals lament over the fact that marriage is under attack; homosexuals lament that...
May 16, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Rondi Lauterbach (Editor’s Note: Below is a letter written by Rondi to an unsaved friend before her wedding. In it, Rondi unpacks Genesis 2 as it relates to marriage. We hope you enjoy this slightly different post that exhorts us from God’s word.) Dear Jodi, I’m so excited you’re getting married! I know you’ve...
May 15, 2013 By Owen Strachan
by Owen Strachan In 1978, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson covered one of the classic songs of recent decades. Performed first by Ed Bruce, “Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys” hit number 1 on the charts and touched a cultural chord. No doubt there were a few aspiring cowboys who were...
April 26, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Drew Griffin “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.” I Corinthians 13:11 (ESV) Children have a gift, it is undeniable.  Their young minds are free from the constraints of cynicism.  To...