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By Greg Gibson The transgender issue has found itself in the cultural spotlight this week. Time Magazine’s bold cover of Laverne Cox—a transgendered woman—brings this issue directly onto center stage. This is a colossal milestones in the Public Square. It’s as if the Time Magazine cover piece is the “door blown open acceptance” of...
By Michael Berry: Paradox: par•a•dox; noun: something (such as a situation) that is made up of two opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually true or possible. Born in the late 1970’s, my earliest childhood memories were formed during the 1980’s. Accordingly, I experienced the tail-end of what was known as the “Red...
By Drew Griffin: Almost no one will remember where they were. In fact few will even see the significance of what occurred this last week. There was a time and an era when the event that transpired on February 8th would have unleashed a firestorm of media coverage and unprecedented political repercussions. In the past,...
By Derick Dickens: Duck Dynasty is a household name and most people–this author excluded– have seen the epic tale of the four Louisiana men. Famous for their end of the day prayer and outspoken Christian beliefs, you must wonder why their recent statement on homosexuality took anyone by surprise. Phil Robertson’s, the patriarch of the...