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February 15, 2018 By Matt Damico
Tim Challies predicted that 2018 would bring further definition to complementarianism, and it took less than a month for an opportunity for such definition to arise. In late January, John Piper answered a question on his popular podcast, “Ask Pastor John,” that sparked not a little dissension—especially on social media. The question was, “Is There...
January 27, 2018 By Denny Burk posted the podcast heard around the evangelical world earlier this week. In the podcast, John Piper responds to the following question from a listener: “Should women be hired as seminary professors? What is your best case?” In response, Piper makes the case that women should not be hired as seminary professors. Why? Because the...
January 23, 2018 By CBMW
Editor’s note: This article was originally posted at; used here with permission. Evangelicals seem to be more divided than ever about the issue of gender roles in the home and in the church. On the one side, you have the egalitarians. They believe that Christ came to abolish gender norms. For them, true equality...
December 14, 2017 By CBMW
On December 9th, Daniel Fuller added his signature to the Nashville Statement. Along with his signature, Dr. Fuller explains why he signed: “I signed the Nashville Statement because it represents the intended meaning of the authors of Scripture. To state anything other than the authors’ intended meaning diminishes the Word of God and renders it...
December 6, 2017 By CBMW
At the 164th annual meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC) last month, messengers from across the state approved a resolution to affirm the Nashville Statement on Biblical Sexuality. The resolution included excerpts from articles of the Nashville Statement along with a strong endorsement of the statement. “Resolved, that we the messengers to the...
November 27, 2017 By Denny Burk
On the most recent episode of “Ask Pastor John,” John Piper responds to the following question: “Did Public Controversy over the Nashville Statement Hurt the Cause?” The short answer is no, but Piper’s explication is really helpful and worth your time to listen to in full. Piper makes the case that the Christian vision of sexuality...