12.14.2017. — Nashville Statement and LGBT issues, Series

Daniel Fuller Signs the Nashville Statement

by Colin Smothers

On December 9th, Daniel Fuller added his signature to the Nashville Statement. Along with his signature, Dr. Fuller explains why he signed:

I signed the Nashville Statement because it represents the intended meaning of the authors of Scripture. To state anything other than the authors’ intended meaning diminishes the Word of God and renders it useless for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.”

Dr. Fuller is professor emeritus of hermeneutics at Fuller Seminary, an evangelical institution co-founded in 1947 by his father, Charles Fuller, along with Harold J. Ockenga, the influential pastor of Park Street Church in Boston and Fuller Seminary’s first president. The charter faculty of that institution included some of the most influential figures of the post-war evangelical movement in America: Carl F. H. Henry, Everett Harrison, Harold Lindsell, and Wilbur Smith.

Dr. Fuller’s decades-long ministry in the classroom had an impact on several pillars of evangelicalism today, including John Piper and Thomas Schreiner. In a sermon he preached as a pastoral candidate at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Piper had this to say about Dr. Fuller:

“Dr. Daniel Fuller is probably the most significant living person in shaping the way I think today as far as my theology goes. I took every course he taught and we correspond today and I flew out to California two weeks ago to be in a group with him. He opened my eyes like nobody ever had to the beauty of the sovereign glory of God. And to buttress that, he gave me a technique of Bible study that today forms the backbone of my teaching and shapes my sermons and feeds my heart every day. And I don’t have enough life to live to give thanks to Dr. Fuller for what he taught me.”

We are grateful that Dr. Fuller has added his signature to the Nashville Statement. We hope and pray for many more to follow.

  • Colin Smothers

    Colin Smothers serves as Executive Director of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. He holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where has also taught adjunctly. He also holds a Master of Divinity from Southern Seminary and a B. S. in Industrial Engineering from Kansas State University. Colin is married and has five children.

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