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April 22, 2014 By Candice Watters
by Candice Watters I’ve always loved the thought of having a garden. More accurately, I’ve loved the idea of organic, fresh produce just a few steps away from my cutting board and salad bowl. Every spring when warm breezes return and the grass starts greening, I think wistfully of sowing seeds in loamy soil, of...
April 19, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By T.D. Hurst Friday marked the beginning of Holy Week, yesterday it was Palm Sunday. In Holy Week we remember the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, the time he spent physically present bringing the Kingdom of God into our reality. One of the amazing things that we ought to remember is that this week represents...
March 24, 2014 By Steve Watters
by Steve Watters Once a month, I see Hershael York tweet about Bibles and Biscuits, a men’s fellowship at Buck Run Baptist Church and it makes me think of the similiar time my oldest son and I regularly look forward to. For a couple of years now, we’ve been heading out early for breakfast and...
February 25, 2014 By Steve Watters
by Timothy Paul Jones So what happens when parents do perceive their children as potential or actual brothers and sisters in Christ (see “Remember Who Your Children Really Are”)? The writings of Paul provide some hints. The same apostle who called Timothy to encourage younger believers as Christian brothers and sisters also commanded fathers to...
January 11, 2014 By CBMW Guest
by Timothy Paul Jones Cosmic combat occurs every Friday morning at a coffee shop a few blocks from my home. If you happened to be ordering your mocha latte during this episode of intergalactic warfare, you might not even notice. Neither arms nor armor can be seen at the epicenter of this celestial struggle. No...
September 5, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Kyle Worley Christians are called to be disciple making disciples.  Multiplication, the making of disciples, is built into the fabric of creation and the fabric of the Christian life. Yet, many times, we struggle with what discipleship looks like in the context of the home. This week, our associate editor Brandon Smith, is over...