Christians are called to be disciple making disciples. Multiplication, the making of disciples, is built into the fabric of creation and the fabric of the Christian life. Yet, many times, we struggle with what discipleship looks like in the context of the home.
This week, our associate editor Brandon Smith, is over at the Desiring God blog talking about his daughter and the freedom we have been given to make Jesus famous in our homes. Brandon’s article hits right at the core regarding discipleship within the home. Brandon’s article reminds us that, “The Bible tells us that the home is the most immediate context for discipleship.”
Brandon reflects on the birth of his first daughter, saying, “I am called to love God with all my heart, soul, and strength and to teach this diligently to my little girl. My wife and I have the unique mission of raising our daughter in a gospel-saturated home, reminding her about what God has done when we sit, when we walk, when we lie down, and when we rise. This is a beautiful calling, and totally beyond me.”
Have you struggled with what discipleship could look like in your home? I would encourage you to go, read and reflect on Brandon’s article at the Desiring God blog. It will encourage and shape your heart as you dream, plan, and execute a plan for discipleship within the context of your home. You can find Brandon’s article here: “Freed to Make Jesus Famous.”
–Kyle Worley is Connection Minister at the Village Church in Dallas, TX. He is the author of Pitfalls: Along the Path to Young and Reformed and blogs regularly at The Strife. He holds a double B.A. in Biblical Studies and Philosophy from Dallas Baptist University. He is currently completing a M.A. in Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is pursuing a M.A. in Religion at Redeemer Seminary. You can find Kyle on Twitter @kyleworley.
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