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May 23, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Jeremy Dys For the last few weeks, there has been a raging debate in the thriving metropolis that is Charleston, West Virginia, surrounding a speech given by a women at a local public high school in which she was promoting abstinence.  In her own colorful way, she urged freshman through senior high school student...
May 20, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Drew Griffin  For many decades Christians in America have enjoyed a privilege rarely experienced by their brothers and sisters around the world.  American believers have been afforded the privilege of being in the cultural majority.  They were the silent majority in the late 1960’s and the moral majority in the 1980’s; but regardless of...
May 14, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  by Tim Wade This is part 2. You can read part 1 here . I had mentioned yesterday that the state of Massachusetts issued a memorandum providing guidance concerning the implementation of An Act Relative to Gender Identity.  I spoke about how this only encourages confusion for the students, and briefly laid out a response.  In part...
May 13, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Tim Wade When it comes to the subject of gender identity the culture has been outpacing the courts for years.  And as the courts begin to catch up and address “the new normal” we as believers are often left searching for a way to respond. On Friday, February 15, a memorandum was sent out to...
May 8, 2013 By Owen Strachan
By Owen Strachan Recently a brand-new conversation began among complementarians. Wendy Alsup wrote a post called “A New Wave of Complementarianism” that met with an enthusiastic online response. Many took note, and key leaders weighed in, including Kevin DeYoung and Thabiti Anyabwile. Any discussion on complementarianism is inherently interesting and important to me, and so...
May 8, 2013 By Trillia Newbell
By Courtney Reissig Any woman who has ever experienced labor has probably had some unkind words for Eve at some point, or at least felt like it. Even women who haven’t gone through the birthing process are familiar with the curse that faces us as women. The curse given to women when sin entered the...