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October 6, 2015 By Scott Corbin
Often when we think about hospitality our mind conjures up images of women hurrying around a kitchen seeking to prepare the perfect Pinterest meal. Women sign up for hospitality classes. Even home economics courses have typically been taught by women with female students filling the classroom seats. The idea of hospitality being a female issue...
September 17, 2015 By Greg Gibson
Hospitality is a massive industry that includes food service and accommodations. Hospitality suites are designated rooms stocked with refreshments and are to be a place that serves speakers and the like by offering many conveniences. One can major in Hospitality Administration at many universities. Yet hospitality of a different nature is a biblical matter as...
September 4, 2015 By CBMW
The University of Tennessee just made national news by suggesting that faculty use “gender-neutral” pronouns in their classrooms. The Pride Center at UT led this charge and suggested some terms to use instead of “his” and “her”: “ze,” “zir,” and “xe,” which sounds like the name of the most minimalist superhero the world has ever known....
August 29, 2015 By CBMW
The world gaped in awe at the story of the four Americans, aided by a Brit and a Frenchman, who singlehandedly, without weapons, prevented a mass shooting on a French train a couple weeks back. I just wrote about this Jason Bourne-like episode for The Stream. It is a story you need to read. It will lift...
August 13, 2015 By CBMW
As we move further and further away from the Garden of Eden, the war on gender seems to be intensifying. It is no surprise there is a war on gender happening in our culture today—an atheological postmodernity. Even some in our culture are attempting to blur the lines of biblical masculinity and femininity. Laura Turner,...
August 10, 2015 By Grant Castleberry
Over the weekend, Target became the next corporate power, after Amazon, to rid themselves of all gender designations and labels for children’s toys and bedding. In the corporate rush to not be the company behind the ever-moving gender eight ball, all it seems to take is a few social-media punches from disgruntled, progressive customers, and...