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November 20, 2020 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2020 issue of Eikon. As the distinction between the genders continues to be erased, Christians must wrestle with how they will engage their non-Christian, secular neighbors with what they know to be true about God’s world. In engaging their neighbors, Christians have God’s special revelation that...
November 20, 2020 By Jonathan Swan
Editor’s note: The following book review appears in the Fall 2020 issue of Eikon. Joshua R.Farris. An Introduction to Theological Anthropology: Humans, Both Creaturely and Divine. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2020. Introduction Joshua Farris’s An Introduction to Theological Anthropology: Humans, Both Creaturely and Divine is written to be a comprehensive introduction to the major theological issues...
November 20, 2020 By Jonathan Swan
Editor’s note: The following book review appears in the Fall 2020 issue of Eikon. Kevin Giles, The Headship of Men and the Abuse of Women: Are They Related in Any Way? Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2020. Introduction No one could be unconcerned about the scourge of domestic abuse in our communities, and even our churches. One...
November 20, 2020 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2020 issue of Eikon. This brief essay considers the main thesis of the book, Kingdom through Covenant, and the relation of that thesis to human sexuality.[1] Understanding human sexuality entails grasping first, what it means to be human, and second, what is the purpose and role...
November 20, 2020 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2020 issue of Eikon. Introduction When most people hear the name Shania Twain, they think of one song: “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” The lyrics concern the freedom of women to do whatever they want in terms of dress, partying, and having fun. The title...
November 20, 2020 By Jonathan Swan
Editor’s Note: The following book review appears in the Fall 2020 issue of Eikon. Owen Strachan. Reenchanting Humanity: A Theology of Mankind. Fearn, Ross-shire: Mentor, 2019. A few decades ago, during the early days of my own theological formation and evangelicalism’s renewed interest in theocentric theology, I remember being puzzled by the publicized topic of...