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March 1, 1997 By CBMW
From Joseph T. Bayly, "Revise Our ‘Sexist' Scriptures?'' in Out of My Mind: The Best of Joe Bayly, ed. Timothy Bayly (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993), 135-38.
March 1, 1997 By CBMW
From Joseph T. Bayly, "Revise Our ‘Sexist' Scriptures?'' in Out of My Mind: The Best of Joe Bayly, ed. Timothy Bayly (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993), 135-38.
September 5, 1996 By CBMW
This article has been reprinted from Faith & Mission, Fall 1996, with permission from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. INTRODUCTION Scripture teaches about the uniqueness of men and women. While created in the image of God with equality of worth and value, men and women are different by design and function. Gender differences are apparent physically...
November 1, 1995 By CBMW
This essay is reprinted with permission of Sheffield Academic Press from "Syntactical Background Studies to 1 Tim 2.12 in the New Testament and Extrabiblical Greek Literature," Discourse Analysis and Other Topics in Biblical Greek (ed. Stanley E. Porter and D. A. Carson; JSNTSup 113; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995), 156-79. It was reprinted in Chapter...
January 1, 1992 By CBMW
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March 13, 2017 By Garrett Pearson
EDITORIAL Like a Steersman in a Storm | Jason G. Duesing ESSAYS & PERSPECTIVES Feeling the Transgender Experience | Thomas White Ten Things You Should Know About 1 Timothy 2:11-15 and the Relationship Between Men and Women in the Local Church | Sam Storms Sons in the Faith | Adam Kareus STUDIES Holy Women, Holy...