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April 27, 2007 By CBMW
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April 27, 2007 By CBMW
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April 23, 2007 By CBMW
Congress has initiated a renewed attempt to expand hate crimes protections to homosexuals and transgendered individuals, and opponents have mounted a counter effort they realize will be difficult to sustain on Capitol Hill.
April 23, 2007 By CBMW
Congress has initiated a renewed attempt to expand hate crimes protections to homosexuals and transgendered individuals, and opponents have mounted a counter effort they realize will be difficult to sustain on Capitol Hill.
April 9, 2007 By CBMW
The city of San Francisco joined a host of liberal activist groups April 2 in filing legal briefs asking the California Supreme Court to overturn the state's current laws and legalize "gay marriage."
March 28, 2007 By CBMW
A new DVD set featuring the teaching of Wayne Grudem on biblical manhood and womanhood is available through The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW).