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November 16, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Eikon. Confessional statements are essential instruments of accountability for every ministry committed to biblical and theological faithfulness. From the first seven ecumenical councils to more recent doctrinal formulations like the Nashville Statement, such documents provide necessary clarity and accountability for God’s people. Yet,...
November 16, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Eikon. Five years ago this Fall, a group of evangelical leaders met in a conference room in Nashville to give a particular response to a particular moment. The sexual revolution had given birth to the LGBT revolution, and even in its nascency it...
November 16, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Eikon. When the Supreme Court of the United States recognized same-sex marriage as the law of the land on June 26, 2015 in Obergefell v. Hodges, I immediately responded by saying that we have opened a Pandora’s Box that had no floor. How...
November 16, 2022 By Jonathan Swan
Today’s release of the Fall 2022 Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology completes its fourth volume and serves as a written monument recognizing the fifth anniversary of the Nashville Statement (2017). As such, much of this issue is dedicated to reflection on the history, influence, and continued importance of the Nashville Statement. In addition to essays by CBMW...
November 16, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Eikon. What the organizers of the Nashville Statement saw as merely repeating what the church had always implicitly, if not at times explicitly, taught about human sexuality and embodiment, it was not received that way — to put it mildly. My experience helping...
November 16, 2022 By CBMW
In May 2014, TIME magazine ran a cover story headlined “The Transgender Tipping Point.” It was now no longer possible to ignore the trans movement. Eight years later, it is no longer possible to ignore the irreversible damage being done to countless young people in the name of this false ideology. For years, concerns have...