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June 8, 2021 By Jonathan Swan
Editor’s note: The following book review appears in the Spring 2021 issue of Eikon. Alan Branch. Affirming God’s Image: Addressing the Transgender Question with Science and Scripture. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2019. “I recommend you support your teenaged daughter as she begins transitioning into a boy…and you should start calling him Tom.” Receiving these words from a...
June 8, 2021 By Jonathan Swan
Editors Note: the following essay appears in the Spring 2021 issue of Eikon. When confronting an evil, a faithful Christian line of inquiry frequently involves examining the good that lies beneath the evil. Absolute evil is a nullity, a nothingness. Everything created by God is good, and therefore, evil is always a corruption, a perversion of...
June 8, 2021 By Jonathan Swan
Editors Note: the following essay appears in the Spring 2021 issue of Eikon. The Puritans offer a rich vein of example and encouragement we can mine in our own discipleship. They are easy to admire for their doctrinal vibrancy. They are worthy of emulation in their heartfelt piety. And they arrest our temptation toward easy-believism with...
June 8, 2021 By Jonathan Swan
Editor’s Note: the following essay appears in the Spring 2021 issue of Eikon. Introduction Over the past thirty years, complementarianism has enjoyed something of a consensus position among conservative churches in North America. Over against feminist arguments that men and women should be treated equally in every respect, complementarians have insisted that God intends for men...
June 8, 2021 By Jonathan Swan
Editor’s note: the following essay appears in the Spring 2021 issue of Eikon. It is not an unfair generalization to say that most people do not like to think or talk about death and dying. Indeed, doing so seems morbid or even macabre. In the modern context, most people rarely witness death and dying, as less...
June 8, 2021 By Jonathan Swan
Editor’s note: the following essay appears in the Spring 2021 issue of Eikon. Charles Taylor argues that modernity has stripped the created world of its meaning: “The cosmos is no longer seen as an embodiment of meaningful order which can define the good for us.”[1] Historian Jacques Barzun lays part of the blame at the feet of...